Ava Marie Doodles is now a Featured Artist on Depop!


Big news! I am now a featured artist on Depop, a new and fun way to buy and sell your own items, all from your handy dandy smart phone. If you are interested in purchasing some of my art, Depop is the way to go! I have some new – and old – items up for sale on my new page and you can even find a me on their “Explore” section.

If you don’t have a Depop account, I highly suggest signing up! It’s a great way to buy and sell clothes, art, jewelry, etc. and it’s got a great layout very similar to Instagram. I’ve had a lot of fun trying it out the past couple weeks and encourage you to hop on board! Here are some items I am currently selling via Depop:

IMG_5338 Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset

Day 7: Threading and Dappling with Pens

I stole another photo from my Europe vault for this one. This photo was taken while exploring the seemingly endless terrain of Versailles. I had no idea that Versailles was so huge when I arrived and was mesmerized by the number of private cottages, secret passageways, and flowing fountains that scattered the palace grounds. It was an extraordinarily magical place.Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetThis exercise required a few different pens with varying widths. I was asked to play with texture once again, overlapping them as much as possible.